What does "pay what you can" mean?

  • It means that you should pay whatever you can spare for the class. Yoga is for everyone and should not be kept from people because of financial constraints.
I've never done yoga before, will the class be too advanced for me?
  • The Folding Space Yoga class format is such that you can come if you have never taken a yoga class. The poses will be broken down and demonstrated during the class. Folding Space Yoga is not taught in a sequenced format; it does not build from week to week. However, the more you come the more you will become familiar with the poses and postures.

What style of yoga do you teach?

  • Becky has been trained in Baptiste Style Power yoga. This type of yoga can be a fairly physical form of yoga. The class is a vinyassa style beginning with the sun salutations, and moves through different poses throughout class. Vinyassa means, "without seperation," each pose is matched to an inhalel or exhalation breath.
  • Jenn has been trained in Kripalu Style yoga. This type of yoga foucus on the uniqueness of the individual, and teaches the yogi how to listen to their body. It uses the yoga postures to strengthen the body while calming the mind.
  • Each style of yoga uses many of the same postures/poses, just in a different order.

Is this hot yoga?

  • The climate of the class is subject to the Magee Recreation Center environment. Though we would like to keep things on the warmer side, for your safety and also to help you sweat out toxins, the temperature is not directly made hotter by the instructers. It is cooler in the winter and you will sweat in the summer. We recommend that you always bring water, and in the winter bring a long sleve shrit to put on to stay comfortable.

Is yoga the right type of activity for me?

  • Yoga is for everyone! There are modifications for every pose that allow you to adapt the practice for your body. So don't think that because of your age, flexibility, or fitness level that you can't do yoga -- because you can! The most important things to do during the practice are to listen to your body (if it is painful, stop doing it), go at your own pace and remember to breathe.


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